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CoVE platforms and potential partnersCove

  • 3LoE

    The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Academia, College of Short-Cylce Higher Education

    College of Short-Cylce Higher Education.


    The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concer...

  • ACCESSCOVE - Greece

    The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...

  • ACCESSCOVE - Italy

    The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...

  • ACCESSCOVE - Spain

    The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...

  • ACCESSCOVE - Sweden

    The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...

  • AEDIL Dairy

    AEDIL Dairy aims to foster Dairy competitiveness through smart specialisation strategy for lifelong upskilling of employees, potential recruits and teachers by strengthening collaboration between learning stakeholders with a strong vocational and work-based learning tradition.

  • Aedil Dairy Ireland

    AEDIL Dairy aims to foster Dairy competitiveness through smart specialisation strategy for lifelong upskilling of employees, potential recruits and teachers by strengthening collaboration between learning stakeholders with a strong vocational and work-based learning tradition.

  • Agrifood4Future - Belgium

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • Agrifood4Future - France

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • Agrifood4Future - Greece

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • Agrifood4Future - Italy

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • Agrifood4Future - Portugal

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • Agrifood4Future - Spain

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...

  • AgriNext

    AgriNext’s goal is to create a learning environment that responds to the skill demand on the job market in the field of Multifunctional Agriculture by enabling interaction between teachers, trainers, mentors from companies, students, and researchers.

  • Agrinext Ireland

    AgriNext’s goal is to create a learning environment that responds to the skill demand on the job market in the field of Multifunctional Agriculture by enabling interaction between teachers, trainers, mentors from companies, students, and researchers.


    The AI-powered Next Generation of VET project addresses the need for trained workers in the field of Artificial Intelligence technology in Europe. The project will address the current skills gap by adding new innovative teaching content and methods to Vocational Education and Training curricula in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With a scope of 11 European countries, the...

  • AI4VET4AI Ireland

    The AI-powered Next Generation of VET project addresses the need for trained workers in the field of Artificial Intelligence technology in Europe. The project will address the current skills gap by adding new innovative teaching content and methods to Vocational Education and Training curricula in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With a scope of 11 European countries, the overal...


    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries. The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovati...

  • AILEEN Denmark

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries. The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovative met...

  • AILEEN Germany

    The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries.  The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovative methodologies an...

  • Ain Shams University

    Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering.


    Developing Skills and Capabilities for Innovative Air Mobility.

  • AKMI S.A

    The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI was founded back in 1989 and today it is one of the leading Vocational Training Institutes in Greece providing post-secondary education, with more than 37.500 m2 of infrastructure in various cities in Greece, including one of the most highly profiled Campuses in the Country. Every year, approx. 14,000+ active students are enrolled with th...

  • Albanian Skills - National Association for Skills Competitions


  • AlbContact

    AlbContact Center is grassroots-oriented and works directly with vulnerable groups in local communities and at the same time collaborates with relevant stakeholders in vocational training, employment, and entrepreneurship. The vision of the Centre is to create opportunities for Labor Market access for young jobseekers and vulnerable target groups in Albania through facilitating Vocational ...

  • Aldous Information Services BV

    Data Analysis, Software Development.


    ALLVIEW (Alliance of Centers of Vocational Excellence in the Furniture and Wood sector) will create an EU platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence in the field of furniture and wood (F&W). It bases its training strategy of excellence in 3 pillars of i.

  • Ambitio College

    Ambitio College is an VET adult education institution with almost 10 years of experience in VET innovative program development and VET provider in health, tourism and sports and with 6 years of experience in EU project management in education.


    AMTA Academy.


    Kepez İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü.


    Local Public Body/Education

  • APCC - Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra

    APCC is a non profit organization rehabilitation, education, training, and counseling organization established in 1975 to promote the social inclusion of people with disadvantage, with a special commitment to those with disabilities.The geographical scope of intervention is all the Region Centre of Portugal. Based in Coimbra has 44 years of experience and employs about 338 peo...

  • APS Polygonal

    Non-profit specialised in digital education and development, culture venue management (we run a cultural centre), language teaching for immigrants, social and educational inclusion activities (children, youth, elderly people). Rural development is also a specialisation: check as one of our biggest fairs on wine and culture.

  • Architectural Aluminium Academy

    Architectural Aluminium Academy (AAA) is a Competence Centre and Vocational Education Expert for the architectural aluminium systems sector. We provide: 1. Technical consultancy to architects, engineers and constructors on the assembly, installation, maintenance and repair of aluminium systems. 2. Business consulting to companies in the architectural aluminium sector to improve their...

  • Aslan Çimento Center of Vocational Excellence

    Aslan Çimento Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.


    Associazione Nazionale Orientatori (hereinafter, ASNOR) is the Italian National Association for career guidance. ASNOR promotes a new culture of career guidance, striving to ensure that the professional role of the career guide is recognised.

  • ASNOR - Italian National Association for Career Guides


  • Association Nationale pour la Formation Automobile (ANFA)

    ANFA is a non-for-profit sector organisation managed by representative employer and employee organisations of the French automotive services sector, i.e. all vehicle-related activities after production with a workforce of about 500 000 people and 150 000 businesses. The social partners have given ANFA the mandate to promote employment and the renewal of the sector’s workforce. One of its...

  • Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo

    AFP Patronato San Vincenzo offers Vocational Education and Training courses and employment services .

  • Ausbildungsverbund Teltow e.V.

    The AVT has been one of the leading educational service providers in the Brandenburg / Berlin region since 1991 and has won the Otto Wolff Foundation's initiative award for training and further education. All options and the latest technology for your training and further education are available to you on over 6,700 square meters.

  • AUTO-CoVE 2.0

    The Greening Europe with support of clean-tech-vehicle education project’s vision is to build an Education and Training framework for the vehicle sector with a clear orientation towards the green transition. The project aims to address the skills gap in the automotive sector regarding sustainability by setting up a multidisciplinary partnership between VET-schools, Higher Ed...

  • AVERE Elektro Mobilite Dernegi


  • bbw group - Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft

    Partners for a strong future Companies and institutions need strong partners to be able to meet market changes quickly and flexibly and to fulfil socio-political tasks. Under the umbrella of the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., an extensive network of training and consulting companies as well as social and personnel service providers has developed. With around 10,000 employees...

  • BeeLieve

    European Centres of Vocational Excellence in Apiculture.

  • BFI Salzburg

    Recognised training in a wide range of training areas is our priority: nursing professions, second-chance qualifications, qualifications for the labour market, in-company training and further education (communication, management, business administration, technology). We therefore place great value on renowned certifications and cooperation with well-known co-operation and training partners in orde...

  • Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana (BIC Ljubljana)

    We are a VET centre working in the fields of natural sciences (biotechnology, microbiology, biology etc), veterinary technology, food science, nutrition, nature protection, hospitality or tourism. General upper secondary school is also part of the educational programme. Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana encompasses all of the above mentioned programmes on the level of upper ...

  • BOSEV Foundation

    Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik Ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV) was founded as an umbrella structure in 2009 by a group of professionals working in the medical field. BOSEV aims to support research developments in the medical sector with its rich staff capacity and high profile background. In regards to this aim, BOSEV hosts medical publications with periodical medical magazines; has 50 management board professiona...

  • BPI of ÖJAB

    ÖJAB’s BPI qualifies young people and adults for employment via primarily technical, business related, and language related vocational training and also offers career orientation as well as assistance in getting integrated into the labor market.


    The BRIDGES Network of CoVE targets the development of aquaculture VET and Higher VET transnational platform, to provide flexible responses to the training, innovation and entrepreneurship needs of the finfish industry, with a strong emphasis on the moder.

  • Build Skills Academy

    The Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment aims at updating vocational skills ecosystems in the construction sector to the emerging needs in the area of green and digital skills. The project will develop a BuildEnrichedSkills methodology and a procedure to support Vocational Education and Training Centres to adapt their teaching offer more quickly to the digi...



  • Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi

    We aim to reduce the education and skill deficiencies of farmers working in SMEs in the field of Cattle Dairy and Beef Farming, high school students continuing their education in the field of animal husbandry and Veterinary Faculty Students with the CoVE established int this project. .


    Bursa Automotive Center of Vocational Excellence bridges the gap between education and industry through cutting-edge training programs and innovative collaborations. Specializing in electric vehicle technologies and industrial automation, we align with the evolving needs of the automotive sector. Industry Partnerships: Strong collaborations with leading automotive companies, includi...

  • Bursa Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu

    Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education, headed by the Ministry of National Education, is a legal authority which is responsible for the educational issues in the region. In addition to a Head Director, there are 11 co-directors and a staff of 342 who work in this institution. All education activities of 32.915 teachers and 590.380 students in 2000 educational institutions are within th...

  • Cal Vocational School

    Our school is located in Camlik park in Cal district of Denizli.


    The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Spain in Madrid (CCIS) ( is a Spanish association that was born thanks to both Spanish and Italian entrepreneurs in order to foster their bilateral relationships,aboveallwithin theeconomic fielddue totheintentionof boostingthespirit ofentreprene...

  • Campus des Métiers et des Qualification d'Excellence Autonomie, Longévité, Santé

    By 2050, France should have nearly 74 million inhabitants, including 20 million over 65  (compared to 67 million in 2017, including 12.6 million over 65). Certainly, we live better today and longer in better health than a century ago. However, the number of dependent people will do...


    CAPPINNO aims to increase the competitiveness of SMEs, youth, adults, and entrepreneurs through innovation and technology in education and training within VET (Vocational Education and Training) and HE. CAPPINNO applies multimodal learning principles: • Innovation in VET: Promote and implement innovative vocational education and training practices. • Key Competencies, including E...

  • CARE about IT

    The CARE about IT project is designed to reap the benefits of a closer collaboration between technology and the healthcare sectors in Europe. The project aims to provide future and current healthcare professionals with digital skills. In initial as well as continuing Vocational Education and Training, micro-credentials will be created and provide innovative educational programs...


    Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation. CATALYST will contribute to the European Green Deal and the new Industrial and SME Strategies through the establishment of CoVEs in 5 countries. By creating educational offers for personal and organisational development, it aims to enable SMEs to re-think and re-design their business models.

  • Cattle Breeders' Association of Aydin/Turkey

    Cattle Breeders'Association of Aydin is a non profit association which is related agriculture and dairy breeding sector. .

  • CCI Var

    The Var Chamber of Commerce and Industry is looking for partners for the creation of a vocational centre of excellence on transitions. .


    Specialized in Distance learning programs. Short-courses, bachelor degrees, master degrees, vocational studies.


    The “Colleges for European Data Centre Education”(CEDCE) aims to create a Pan-European Data Centre education programme that provides excellence from Vocational Education to Higher Education for data centres. .

  • CEDCE Ireland

    The “Colleges for European Data Centre Education”(CEDCE) aims to create a Pan-European Data Centre education programme that provides excellence from Vocational Education to Higher Education for data centres. .

  • Center for Social Innovation - CSI

    CSI Cyprus (, is an international R&D organization specialized in Social and Life Sciences, New Technologies, Capacity Building and Education Rationalization, Business Forensic Intervention Services, and Start-up Facilitation. It employs 40 staff, and currently runs more than 100 funded projects. In calls for proposals, we work b...

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Austria

    Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Germany

    The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Italy

    Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Latvia

    Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Lithuania

    The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Poland

    The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Green Economy (3LoE) Spain

    Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Water Baltics

    The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Water Central Europe

    The Center of Vocational Excellence Water Czech Republic is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Water Mediterranean

    The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.

  • Center of Vocational Excellence Water South Africa

    The Center of Vocational Excellence Water South Africa is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.

  • Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE)


  • Centre de Compétences

    Training center for the crafts sector with experience in pedagogy, European Projets and Digital Transformation .

  • Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur (CESUR)

    VET provider (Secondary and Higher Vocational Education and Training Centre - EQF 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).


    CESIE is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation established in Palermo (Italy) in 2001.

  • Cezeri Green Technology Vocational and technical Anatolian High school Sectorial Excellence Centre

    Tunahan, 211. Cd No:12, 06824 Etimesgut/Ankara, Türkiye.

  • CHAIN5

    CHAIN5 is the European Community of Practice for level 5, a network for stakeholders of the European Level 5 Area. .

  • Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Paris area

    The Regional Chamber of Trade and Craft of Paris area, which was set up by the French Ministerial Order of 18 March 1998, represents, defends and promotes the general interests of 238 000 artisanal undertakings in the Greater Paris region.

  • CIAPE - The Italian Centre for Permanent Learning

    Leaders for innovation in didactics and in new skills for the future.

  • CIFP César Manrique

    Public Vocational Training Institute.

  • CIFP De los Sectores Industrial de Servicios

    This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on mechatronics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.

  • CIV Water/ Center of Vocational Excellence Water West-EU

    The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.

  • Clúster Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica

    Clúster Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica (CET) is a non-profit business association that aims to promote competitiveness and technological development in the Canary Islands, Spain. It is an organisation made up of companies and entities related to information and communication technologies (ICT), energy, biotechnology, engineering, and other technological sectors. .

  • Cluster of Regional Development

    Klaster regionálneho rozvoja (Cluster of Regional Development) is a regional and dynamic association of interests of various legal entities, in charge of driving economic development, business efficiency as well as empowerment of local communities through education and training and the promotion of sustainable tourism and environment. .

  • Community Development Institute


  • Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France

    L’Association ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France” is an association established according to the French Association Act of 1901 and is recognised as an organisation of public benefit. For more than nine centuries, Les Compagnons du Devoir have supported young people in developing their professional skills to a high standard in their chosen trade. Sharing knowledge ...

  • Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France

    L’Association ouvrière des Compagnons du Devoir et du Tour de France” is an association established according to the French Association Act of 1901 and is recognised as an organisation of public benefit. For more than nine centuries, Les Compagnons du Devoir have supported young people in developing their professional skills to a high standard in their chosen trade. Sharing knowledge ...

  • Coskunöz Education Foundation

    CEF, is a non-profit organization with the status of “public benefit foundation” with its services in vocational education for 33 years. CEF provides trainings, employment programs, scholarship programs, mentoring, training of trainers, curriculum development about Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, VR Technologies to business world and the individuals who have not enough opportunity to ta...

  • CoursesOnline

    Course comparison platform .


    Centre of Vocational Excellence in Welding and Non-Destructive Testing.


    CREDI research institute is a hosting organization of the InLearn centre of excellence in vocational education (



  • CSR Europe

    CSR Europe is the leading European business network for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility.

  • Delta Square

    Delta Square is an Innovation Enablement Platform that ignites innovation mainly in new and emerging technologies; through capacity building, re-incubation programs and competitions with a vision of breaking barriers between technology and people.

  • Denizyildizlari Sektörel Mükemmeliyet Merkezi

    As Denizyıldızları Sectoral Excellence Center, we aim to deliver sustainable and innovative solutions in the field of vocational education. Our Objectives: -Collaboration with the Industry -Continuity and Effectiveness in Vocational Training -Development of Teachers -Green and Digital Skills -Lifelong Learning .

  • Diesis Network

    Diesis Network supports the development of the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation in Europe through the implementation of knowledge-based activities, such as training, project design, consultancy and advisory services, technical assistance and research. .

  • Digital Innovation Hub for Cloud Based Services

    The DIHUB consortium is setting up a European-wide cluster of interconnected nodes using the latest cloud computing technologies for innovations development, education and for generation of new start-ups.

  • Drosostalida Social Enterprise

    A social enterprise based in Athens, Greece with huge experience in adult training design and delivery and VET Training provision for adults and disadvantaged groups. Can greatly help your project fulfil the social dimension aspect / award criteria but also in proposal writing (huge expertise).

  • E-Learning Programme National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

    We are the E-learning Programme at the Center for VET and LL Learning at the University of Athens, more than 400 professional courses, linking academia-research with the labour market since 2001.

  • École des Ponts Business School

    École des Ponts Business School is more than a traditional business school; it's a transformative force for individuals aiming to make a positive global impact through business. The institution prides itself on fostering equality, environmental sustainability, and technological advancement, embedding these values in its educational programs.

  • Economic Development Board Association EDBA

    VET cluster 20 HEi and 30 CSO federation HUB for VET players in ; Sustainability Public-Private Partnerships Green, Blue and Circular Technology and Economy Digital Innovation Workforce Development Sectoral Skills Innovation Hubs Regional Development Agri-Food Industry Marine Conservation Eco-Tourism Clean...

  • ECoVEM - European Center of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics

    ECoVEM establishes a European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. ECoVEM implem.

  • Edquip

    Edquip is a digital marketplace for technical training equipment. We help our customers to find and source the best instructional technology.

  • EE4M

    The Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain (EE4M) project addresses the increasing need for training, re-, and upskilling of engineers in the mobility value chain to adapt to the recent developments of Industry 4.0 / Industry 5.0 (smart operations management) and sustainability (sustainable operations management). EE4M focuses on the professional development of sm...

  • EE4M - Engineering Education for the Mobility Value Chain

    Realignment of Engineering Education with a Focus on Operations Management in the Mobility Value Chain.

  • Eksen Teknoloji

    AI Safe City integration.


    Vocational School .

  • EQAVET4.0

    EQAVET 4.0 for quality in outcome-oriented VET.



  • EU Project Innovation Centre

    A China-based and the only EU-endorsed innovation centre originating from EU-funded programme.


    EULEP aims to make continuous VET more attractive for lifelong learning whilst offering businesses new and tailor-made training modules that correspond to their skills needs in innovation-oriented subjects such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and social innovation.

  • European Grants International Academy

    Egina Srl is able to activate a multidisciplinary think tank which is able to meet to the needs of growth and innovation of the different actors of the community, always respecting the principles of sustainable development, equity and social inclusion.

  • European Open Design School for Sustainable Regional Development

    DeuS is a regional Vocational Educational Training (VET) project that aims to co-create a european-wide learning and training approach in design, critical thinking and entrepreneurship to find participatory, creative and cost-effective solutions to local .

  • European Platform Urban Greening

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...

  • European Platform Urban Greening Czechia

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...

  • European Platform Urban Greening Denmark: GreenCoVE DK

    Green CoVE Denmark is a so-called CoVE, i.e. a Centre of Vocational Excellence - one of the country's first - that brings together the forces of large and small green companies and start-ups, green vocational schools and further education, research, consulting and local authorities.

  • European Platform Urban Greening Finland

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...

  • European Platform Urban Greening Netherlands

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...

  • European Platform Urban Greening Spain

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...


    EUVECA - European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care EUVECA will provide future oriented skills for innovation and development of the health care sector. The aim of the project is to support digitalization, staff/patient involvement, and patient responsibility in order to gain maximum quality in care, patient safety, efficiency, and economic sustainability. involvemen...


    The company provides consulting services for managing and developing human resources. We assist organizations to succeed through their people.


    European Vocational Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims to tackle three main objectives: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible.

  • EVIO - Electrical Mobility

    EVIO is a tech SME that developed a platform for electric vehicle charging ecossystem, that provides differentiated services, ranging from the EV user to the infrastructure manager, while incentivizes sustainable charging. We also provide a charging network, where anyone can add their private charging station and monetize it. .


    The Excellence in Green and Digital Manufacturing project aims at preparing the Advanced Manufacturing sector for the disruptive changes caused by the green and digital twin transitions. EXCEED assumes the synergic and mutual benefitting application of digital and green as powerful leverages to accelerate innovation in Advanced Manufacturing. The project will provide competenc...


    Centers of Vocational Excellence for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Housing.


    The goal of the EXAM 4.0 HUB, is to drive innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector. The project will establish a platform of excellent advanced manufacturing VET centres. The EXAM 4.0 hub aims at becoming a reference in skills governance in the pa.

  • Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences

    The Social Sciences, Economics and Humanities Cluster at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is a teaching and research ecosystem that closely brings together three entities: Faculty of Governance, Economics and Social Sciences (FGSES); offering Bachelor’s, Master’s as well as Ph.D. programs, The Africa Institute for Research in Economics and Social Sciences (AIRESS); gear...


    Fashion Earth Alliance for fashion, textiles and apparel industries. Fashion Earth Alliance aims to provide fashion and textile stakeholders with innovative tools for training and upskilling, both through traditional learning approaches as well as using digital technologies as part of an innovative Online Transnational Cooperation Platform, including mobility of learners and staff.

  • Federation of Slovak Industrial and Transport Associations

    Federation of Slovak Industrial and Transport Associations is a modern employers ‘organisation and a long-standing professional partner of Slovak industry and transport.


    FONDAZIONE ENGIM operates in the field of vocational training and it’s distributed in 7 Italian Regions with 29 VET Centers. ENGIM itself is a National COVEs’ Network, as it groups 5 ENGIM COVEs in Italy in 5 Regions (Piemonte, Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Lazio), each one with its specific local ecosystem, with the aim of playing a key role in VET Transition and Recovery.

  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

    Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - FGB - is a private and not-for-profit foundation developing, applying and disseminating evidence based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels. FGB promotes dialogue and a continuous knowledge exchange bridging the academic and policymaking communities, governments, civil society and private sector.

  • FOREMCyl

    Foremcyl design and implement services for employment and employability through vocational training and career guidance and counseling. Foremcyl contributes to improving the qualification and professional promotion of employed people and the labour market integration of those unemployed. Foremcyl has a unique link with the demands of workers, and also of companies Foremcyl has a sp...

  • Friesland College - D'Drive

    Friesland College is a Regional Training Centre (ROC) for secondary vocational education (VET) and adult education. Every year about 9,000 students follow a course. At Friesland College education begins in a practice- based learning environment.

  • Fundació Inform

    We are a foundation aimed at offering training services to facilitate labour market placements and to improve lifelong learning for different target groups.

  • Galway Technical Institute (GRETB)

    We are VET organisation in Galway with 13 years of Erasmus KA1 & KA2 project experience. We were recently awarded with the Erasmus+ Accreditation and label of excellence. .

  • Gazi Center of Vocational Excellence


  • GB Auto

    GB Auto is a leading automotive company in the MENA region and non-bank financial services provider in Egypt. With seven primary lines of business, GB Auto has a strong operational footprint in key markets and sectors throughout the region, with plans to expand into new geographical areas.

  • Ghabbour Foundation for Development

    Ghabbour Foundation is an NGO established by a leading automotive company , GB Auto, with the objective of developing vocational education in Egypt applying international standards.

  • Gift Women Link Foundation

    The foundation is located in Kasese Uganda.

  • Gilde Opleidingen

    School for VET education in the field of pedagogical work, education and care.

  • GIVE - Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence

    GIVE is essentially focused on the social dimension of VET. The project aims at designing and developing a European Platform of Centres of Excellence devoted to innovating VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged group.

  • GoodPlanet Belgium

    GoodPlanet encourages all generations to get involved and build a sustainable society through environmental education and positive actions. Via its activities and projects, GoodPlanet spreads knowledge about sustainable development in general or about one of our focus areas : food, circulars economy, reconnection between humans and nature / biodiversity, mobility, water, climate ...

  • GreenHost

    Vocational Excellence, Policy and Enterprise United for Hospitality Management Skills Adapted on Environmental Footprint Methods.

  • GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation

    GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...

  • GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation (Austria)

    GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...

  • GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation (Finland)

    GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...

  • GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation (North-Macedonia)

    GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...

  • GREENOVET - European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation (Portugal)

    GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...


    Vocational education and training, apprenticeship.


    Women's Initiative Production & Business Cooperative.

  • H2CoVE

    Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence.

  • H2Excellence

    The Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence towards affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe project aims to close the existing skills gap in the fuel cells and clean hydrogen industry. The project will establish the H2Excellence Platform of Vocational Excellence that will create and implement lifelong learning offers and develop transnation...

  • Habitable

    The Alliance of Centres of Excellence in Vocational Training for Sustainable Habitat project aims to respond to the skills shortage and mismatches caused by the digital and green transition in the Habitat sector. To this aim the project will develop innovative, learner-centred teaching methods, curricula on technical skills and key competences, and a system of certification for micro-credentials

  • HBZ - Handwerkskammer Bildungszentrum Münster

    HBZ - HANDWERKSKAMMER BILDUNGSZENTRUM MÜNSTER ________________________________________________________ Vocational Training Centre of the Chamber of Crafts of Münster HBZ - a leading training and further education provider with broad capacities and facilities for theory and practical training - highly experienced in national and international projects - pioneer in su...

  • Higher Vocational School 7 Kremenchuk

    Higher vocational school trains highly qualified workers from among graduates of secondary schools on the basis of general secondary education, retraining and advanced training of working workers and the unemployed in the areas of the regional employment center.

  • IES Arca Real

    The IES Arca Real is a public secondary, vocational training, and higher vocational training school, in the community of Castilla y León (Spain). .

  • IES Luis Vives

    IES Luis Vives, we are a public secondary school in Comunidad de Madrid. We work with 7 different vocational education training and we are center of vocational education in Comunidad de Madrid and in Spain.

  • IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH

    IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH is a service provider for Higher Vocational Education and Training at regional, national and international level. IHKPG is a 100% subsidiary company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry East Brandenburg. As a chamber subsidiary, our international activities strengthen our role as a service provider for the region's business community and citizens and bring internati...

  • Inercia Digital

    Founded in 2010, Inercia Digital S.L. is an innovative Andalusian organisation specialising in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level. We are a VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) officially accredited by our regional government and our main area of expertise is fostering digital and entrepreneurial skills, which we make accessible through our Virtual Campu...


    Intelligent printing, flexible and organic electronics Excellence.

  • Initiative für frühe Bildung gGmbH

    Founded in 2017, we are a non-profit early learning initiative that develops educational programs for parents, daycare parents, and professionals to promote healthy early childhood development. .

  • Innlandet County Council

    The focus of a potential COVE participation will be competency within bioeconomy . The main focus within should be on forestry and wood value chain (including construction). However, our Bioeconomy strategi emphasises the need to think holistically on themes like: food production, agriculture and forestry, genetics, breeding and reproduction biotechnology, bioenergy, residual raw materials and was...

  • InoVerde European Platform Urban Greening Romania

    EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...

  • Institut de Formation aux métiers du BTP


  • Institute 4 Saving the Environment through Recycling Technologies InSERT Ngo

    You are warmly welcomed to a dynamic cluster, comprising 10 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and dozens of associations dedicated to advancing the circular economy, health, biodiversity, and local economic development. As a member of the network of Centres of Vocational Excellence (COVEs), we offer a unique opportunity to collaborate with leading institutions and innovative or...

  • Institute for Integrated Sustainable Development

    Institute for Integrated Sustainable Development (IISD) Ghana is a youth-focused organization dedicated to vocational training, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and community development. We foster innovation, digital education, and policy advocacy to drive inclusive growth and empower future leaders.

  • Institute for Labour Market Development

    ILMD is one of the few organisations in Croatia and the region that improves the labour market by implementing innovative intervention models aimed at: (1) vulnerable groups on the labor market (2) employers (3) stakeholders on the labor market (public bodies, educational institutions, NGOs and others) .

  • Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy

    IECE is positioned to be the interface for academics and the business world, to provide mutual and beneficial exchange of knowledge, ideas and expertise, and develop programs and activities that will help to ensure the wellbeing of future generations. .

  • Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy

    We act as a catalyst for inspiring alteration and long-term impact. We apply the Collaborative-Innovative CO-IN© Model, aiming to support the innovation ecosystem in the knowledge-based economy and the triple helix through collaboration and strategic partnerships.

  • INVEStech

    Innovation Vocational Excellence in Tech.

  • ISFFEL - Institut Supérieur de Formation

    ISFFEL is a non-profit vocational training center with a high level of expertise in Business, Logistics, CSR & QHSC and biotechnologies. The institutes is based in Brittany, France and was created 30 years ago.


    The University of Toamasina is located in the Mangarano along the RN 2.

  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce

    Founded in 1882, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICoC) is a world’s 2nd-large chamber with over 700.000 SME members. ICoC is a business umbrella organization covering all economic sectors within its body, such as automotive, textile, chemicals, iron, creative industries etc. and promoting SMEs’ capacities, skills, and competences in innovation, circularity and twin transition. IC...

  • Istanbul Chamber of Industry

    ICI envisages establishment of sustainable and efficient coordination between VET education institutions and industry. Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI), as the largest industrial chamber in Turkey with its member base of more than 20.000 firms has a strong focus on improvement of vocational education and training (VET) for delivery of skills matching needs of the industry.

  • Istanbul Medipol University

    Istanbul Medipol University (IMU) is a non-profit private university, founded in 2009 by Turkey Education, Health and Research Foundation (TESA). IMU has a powerful institutional culture, entrepreneurialism, and dynamism of continuous development. The university also aims to contribute to the community and universal science by raising individuals who are focused on science and technology productio...

  • ITEMM - Institut Technologique Européen des Métiers de la Musique

    ITEMM is a training and innovation institute for music professions and musical instruments.

  • Jordbrugets UddannelsesCenter Århus (Green Academy)

    Green Academy is a vocational school that was founded in 1889. The school is situated in the heart of Denmark outside Denmark's second-largest city, Aarhus. Green Academy offers a broad range of educations within all green areas: Landscaping, Gardening, Floristry, Foresting, Farming, Farm Machinery Operating, Animal Care and Nursery, both for Danish and international students. .

  • Karalius Mindaugas vocational training center

    We aim to join an CoVE initiatives that unite organizations in beauty and health sector.

  • Kaunas Education Center of Technologies

    We are a vocational training centre in Lithuania and we aim to join CoVE initiatives that unite organizations in the transport, mechanics, business and services, wood processing, construction sectors.

  • Kaunas Education Center of Technologies (Kautech)

    We are a vocational training centre in Lithuania and we aim to join CoVE initiatives that unite organizations in the transport, mechanics, business and services, wood processing, construction sectors.

  • Kayseri Chamber of Auto Craftsmen

    Establishment of a vocational training center for the repair and maintenance of electric vehicles as the Kayseri Chamber of Auto Craftsmen.

  • KEPO


  • kreatree


  • LAB University of Applied Sciences

    LAB is a higher education institution focusing on innovation, business and industry.


    LCAMP - Learner Centric Advanced Manufacturing Platform LCAMP aims to support and enable regional Advanced Manufacturing CoVEs to become more resilient, innovative, and better equipped to train, upgrade, and reskill learners, young and adults, to successfully face the digital and green transitions.

  • Learningdigital


  • Liofyllo

    Social Cooperative Enterprise Liofyllo.

  • Live

    Vocational special needs education and coaching, consulting and employment services for people with special needs.

  • MBO RAAD (the Netherlands Association of VET colleges)

    MBO Raad is the Netherlands Association of VET colleges.

  • Mecanic Vallée

    Industrial cluster on 4.0.

  • Medical school for nurses and Business Academy Trutnov

    The Medical School of Nursing and Business Academy is a higher vocational and secondary vocational school with many years of tradition and great experience with Erasmus+ projects. The school offers courses in practical and diploma nursing, nutritional assistant and massage therapist in health care. .

  • Mediterranean Exporter Associations

    Mediterranean Exporters Associations (AKIB.

  • Mersin Nature, Art, Culture and Sports Club Association

    We are an association of volunteer teachers who provide vocational guidance and training to disadvantaged people of all ages and the immigrant population in the city of Mersin in the main titles of sports, art, agriculture industry. We are an association founded in 2009. All of our members are experts in their field working in the public sector. production, animal husbandry, industrial enterprises...




    Immersive Learning Solutions for manual skilled trades.

  • MMC Management Center Ltd

    Vocational and Adult education center.

  • Mogan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

    Vocational and Technical Project High School.

  • Moldova Congaz Süleyman Demirel Turkish-Moldovan High School

    Our educational institution, known as Congaz Süleyman Demirel Moldo-Turk High School, was established in 1999 under a mutual educational cooperation agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Moldova. Located in the village of Congaz in the Gagauzia autonomous region of the Re...


    Coordinated by the Societe D'enseignement Professionnel Du Rhone, MOSAIC aims to bring together EU and non-EU partners to foster Excellence in VET within the Arts & Crafts sector, ensure high quality skills that lead to quality employment and career-long opportunities for all.


    MTA (Maden Tetkik Arama) is a high-level public research body, authorised for exploring and development of mining and mineral resources in Turkey. We are currently focusing on production and recycling of critical raw materials. .

  • Nardüzü Mesleki ve Teknik Lisesi / information technologies

    Nardüzü MTAL /Information systems-robotic coding-IoT.

  • Nikanor VET center

    VET center with 20 years experience .

  • Nikola Karev Regional VET Centre

    Regional VET Centre providing formal education and education for adult learners, as well as validation of non-formal education and informational learning; it carries out research, development and innovation activities; cooperation with the business community and business relations and networking, .

  • Odisee University of Applied Sciences

    Odisee is a University of Applied Sciences consisting of 6 campuses, dynamic centres of education, research and social services, located in the heart of Belgium. Odisee offers a team- based education with a personal approach. .

  • opleidingsbedrijf Haagbouw

    Werken en leren in de bouw. Voor jeugd en volwassenen.


    OSENGO is a non-profit VET organization, specialist in lifelong learning and vocational education, member of the French Vocational Education Federation. OSENGO has 32 permanent training centres located in four regions of France. ( .

  • OSTIM Technical University

    OSTIM Technical University is a "third-generation" or "entrepreneurial university" established in 2017 to meet the need for skilled labor and engineers, as well as young entrepreneurs to establish new industries. The university is viewed as the "University of Industry," with a curriculum based on practical work, research projects, and entrepreneurial achievements, and graduates receiving an entrep...


    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • P4ELECS - Belgium

    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • P4ELECS - Germany

    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • P4ELECS - Italy

    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • P4ELECS - Latvia

    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • P4ELECS - Netherlands

    P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...

  • Platform of Vocational Excellence Water

    Pilot PoVE water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector, translating them into an approach of vocational excellence. .

  • Polytechnic Institute of Porto, School of Engineering


  • PortAbility

    PortAbility - Strategies for VET to support Port City Economies towards a Just Transition.


    Promoting Integrated Professional Development for Prison Practitioners in Vocational Excellence for Offender Reintegration.

  • PROMOTE Denmark

    PROMOTE provides an integrated approach to continuous professional training for practitioners working inside the criminal correctional justice system, with a focus on the learner experience and updating competencies that have a direct impact on the successful release and integration of prisoners into society. The project aims to establish centers of vocational excellence that democratize access to...

  • Raslanuf Vaocatioan Institute

    Ras Lanuf Comprehensive Institute,Libya.


    RDH NGO is an organisation, made by researchers and innovators. The organisation's mission is to design and implement research and development projects, with a primary focus on creating value for humanity.

  • SBG Dresden

    SBG Dresden is a training provider in the field of the German Dual VET system. We focus on providing practical training in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy, biology, physics, waste water management and painting trade. We have unique experience in integrating modern technologies like Augmented Reali...

  • School for medical nurses Minarska

    School for Medical Nurses Mlinarska is the oldest medical school in Croatia and Centre of regional Competence in health and ergonomics.

  • SeaAhead

    Sailing Acceleration through Vocational Excellence and Innovation.


    The SEBCoVE project (Smart Electricity for Buildings – Centres of Vocational Excellence) is bringing together a network of organisations from seven European countries (Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, North Macedonia, The Netherlands) representing both education providers and industry, who share the same commitment of cooperating in a systematic way..The objectives of the “Smart Electr...


    SECOVE - Sustainable Energy Centres of Vocational Excellence SECOVE aims to establish a network of cooperation among CoVEs in 5 European countries, in the sector of clean and sustainable energy. The CoVEs will cooperate transnationally with each other through common structured forms of dialogue and communication.

  • SEED

    SEED - Sustainable Energy Education SEED will develop innovative vocational education and training, providing solutions for preventing global climate change and for Europe to become a fossil free energy continent. The project aims to create COVEs dedicated to sustainable energy in five regions, empowering regional innovation based on regional needs learning.

  • SEED - Finland

    Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...

  • SEED - Germany

    Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...

  • SEED - Greece

    Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...

  • SEED - Netherlands

    Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...

  • SEED - Spain

    Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...


    Southern European Community for Offshore Wind Energy.

  • Southwest University CHINA


  • Spazio Reale Formazione Impresa Sociale SRL- ETS

    Spazio Reale Formazione Impresa Sociale Srl ETS è l’agenzia formativa di Spazio Reale Group, con sede a Campi Bisenzio (Firenze), Italia.

  • Srednja skola Cakovec

    VET school in field of healthcare, nursing and phisiotherapy (ISCED-3). Experinced in Erasmus+ projects and international cooperation. National Center of experties partner.




    Shaping Talents and Achieving Vocational Excellence in Sports.

  • T-shore

    T-shore - Technical Skills for Harmonized Offshore Renewable Energy T-shore will develop and establish a European network of VET-schools and training centers in offshore wind energy. The aim is to create innovative approaches for skills provision in the offshore renewable energy sector by linking offshore-energy-hotspots spread across Europe and stimulate innovation and collaboratio...

  • T-shore Ireland

    T-shore - Technical Skills for Harmonized Offshore Renewable Energy T-shore will develop and establish a European network of VET-schools and training centers in offshore wind energy. The aim is to create innovative approaches for skills provision in the offshore renewable energy sector by linking offshore-energy-hotspots spread across Europe and stimulate innovation and collaboratio...

  • T-Shore- Denmark

    In the Center of Vocational Excellence T-Shore Denmark, Danish companies and schools are collaborating closely to make sure students and workers in the offshore wind sector have the right skills and access to the latest innovations in the sector.

  • TAFE Directors Australia

    TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) is the peak national body which represents Australia’s national network of publicly owned Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes/colleges. TDA can help potential global partners connect with Australian TAFEs.

  • TAFE Queensland

    TAFE Queensland is Queensland's largest, most experienced training provider. We deliver practical, industry-relevant training across a range of industries from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees.

  • Talentjourney

    Talentjourney project aims to narrow skills gap in manufacturing sector, in the field of Connectivity Devices and Services/CDS (IoT in smart manufacturing), which focuses on user-oriented, user-friendly and eco-friendly solutions.

  • Tarsus Borsa Istanbul Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

    Country Türkiye Email address Education level: ISCED 3: Upper secondary education Sector of expertise: Informatics, electrical-electronics, motor, food, metal, conditioning activities Education.

  • Teach4SD

    The Transforming Education Area and Competency Hub for Sustainable Development project focuses on training teachers and developing innovative teaching material to contribute to the efforts of sustainable development laid out in the European Green Deal. The project will setup five Centres of Vocational Excellence on one topic each, covering health, trade, entrepreneurship, clot...


    The Knowledge on ecological restoration to maximize benefits for nature and people (TEAM#UP) project’s vision is to mobilise extensive knowledge and to enhance skills in the field of ecological restoration. The project aims to fill gaps in green Vocational Education and Training by setting up four Centres of Vocational Excellence, each focusing on a relevant subtopic. The Co...

  • Technobel

    Technobel is an IT vocational training center whose core values are techno-logical expertise and Pedagogical innovation. Over the years, many lead-ing ICT companies have recognized Technobel’s know-how by integrating it into their official academies. This continuous partnership confirms the Center’s technical excellence. Meanwhile, innovation in education lies at the heart of Technobel’s DNA...

  • Technobel

    Technobel is an IT oriented skills training center. Created in 2001 on the initiative of a public-private partnership between Le Forem and Proximus, whom were since joined by the University of Namur. Technobel is a major player in vocational training in Belgium. In 2003, Technobel even received an official recognition label from the Walloon authorities called “Centre de Competence”, placing it...

  • The General Directorate for Special Education and Guidance Services

    The institution is the most authoritative institution and policymaker in Turkey regarding special education-vocational education and guidance services. .

  • Tophane Center of Vocational Excellence

    Tophane Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi.

  • Tour-X

    Tour X - CoVEs for the Tourism Industry Tour X aims to develop a bottom-up approach to excellence in the Tourism Sector, where Educational Providers (VET, HEIs) are increasing their ability to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs.

  • TourXpeRience

    TourXpeRience: nurturing Entrepreneurial Teaching and Learning for VET Excellence in Tourism Education.

  • TR Ministry of Environment and Urbanization

    The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is the lead institution in the field of environment, urbanization and buildings. MoEU’s duties are; for the fields of environment, settlement and construction, carrying out civil works and major repairs concerning public buildings, as well as providing services related to physical planning, land development and housing for low income families ...

  • TVET Jobs

    Jobs for TVET experts & consultants, sign up to newsletter, browse and apply!.

  • Udhetim i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare

    The Association "Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare" is focused on tourism, cultural heritage, youth, environment, rural development, good governance, culture, voluntarism, and human rights promotions.


    RCK UTŠO is a regional center of competence with more than 60 years success in education within tourism and hospitality sector. At the regional level, we have a well-developed system of cooperation with regulatory bodies, educational institutions and faculties, companies and NGOs. We are interested in partnerhip in the CoVE 21 project - tourism, catering, cultural heritage, food production and pr...

  • Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio


  • University College Cork

    Full profile University offering undergraduate, postgraduate and lifelong learning.


    Australia's leading skills assessment provider .

  • Virtualware


  • Visaginas Technology and Business Vocational Education and Training Center (Visagino technologijos ir verslo profesinio mokymo centras)

    Visaginas Technology and Business Vocational Training Center is offering professions in the fields of Manufacturing Industry (Mechatronics, Plastic Moulding, Electricity, CNC Milling and Turning, Welding and other). .

  • VLF4EU

    Virtual Learning Factory Networking and Strategy Build Up: Supporting EUropean Industrial Digitisation Competitiveness and Growth for All.

  • Vocational Education and Training Service

    General Directorate for the Vocational Education and Training and Special Regime Education. Valencian Regional Government.

  • Vocational Education and Training Service

    General Directorate for the Vocational Education and Training and Special Regime Education. Valencian Regional Government.

  • Vocational Qualifications Authority of Türkiye

    Vocational Qualifications Authority is a national public body responsible for implementing national vocational qualifications system and Turkish Qualifications Framework in Türkiye. Vocational Qualifications Authority is European Qualifications Framework National Coordination Point and the National Europass Centre of Türkiye. .

  • Voltage

    Vocational Training for Optimal Learning and Growth in the European Battery Industry.

  • Voltage Denmark

    VOLTAGE is a transformative and forward-looking project that spearheads innovation in the dynamic and growing battery industry. Through strategic collaborations with partners in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Portugal, and Türkiye, the project places a strong emphasis on vocational education and training (VET) to address the industry's evolving demands. With a long-term vision in mind, VOLTAGE aims to...

  • We Are Katapult

    Katapult is a open source learning network of over 350 public private partnerships in the Netherlands and across Europe.


    WE ARE "Euromob" is located Póvoa de Varzim, in the North of Portugal, at 40 km from Oporto. It mainly arranges mobilities in three cities: Póvoa de Varzim, Esposende and Vila do Conde. It acts as an intermediary organisation that deals with all of the logistics of the partners' Erasmus + projects here in Portugal. We arrange accommodation, board, transport, internships which are ...


    Network of Inclusive COVEs on Circular Material Welding and Preventive Maintenance for Socially Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Automotive Manufacturing.

  • WIN4SMEs

    Regional and International Education Partnerships for Workplace Innovation in SMEs.

  • WIN4SMEs Denmark

    The CoVE “WIN4SMEs” will significantly boost workplace innovation in SMEs by nurturing a skilled workforce and entrepreneurship, fostering collaborative environments and promoting knowledge transfer. .

  • Work Experience Agency LTD

    Work Experience Agency (WEA) is a work experience & training provider, which specialises in project & partnership consulting, logistics and delivery in European Union. WEA is based in Dublin, Ireland and runs projects in Ireland and across European Union.

  • Work Experience Agency LTD

    Work Experience Agency (WEA) is a work experience & training provider, which specialises in project & partnership consulting, logistics and delivery in European Union. WEA is based in Dublin, Ireland and runs projects in Ireland and across European Union. .

  • WorldSkills France

    WorldSkills France, as a member of the international organization, WorldSkills International, promotes vocational training among young people through skills competitions.

  • Worldskills Sweden

    WorldSkills Sweden is tasked with working to increase the attractiveness, status and quality of vocational education.

  • Yeryüzü Iklim Degisikligi ile Mücadele Vakfi

    Gençlik projeleri ve toplum katılımını teşvik ederek, iklim değişikliği konusunda toplumsal bir güç oluşturmak.

  • YMCA Italy Foundation

    Operating in an extremely active context of didactic-scientific initiatives, with the advanced training of public administrators, professionals, collaborators, entrepreneurs, as well as the younger generations to better understand the challenges of the international context and its evolutions. Our professional training courses in “Cybersecurity”, “Global Governance” and “In...

  • Zarasai Vocational Education School

    Vocational training school. Specializes in agriculture, service, nursing professions.

  • Zarasu profesine mokykla


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Center of Vocational Excellence