The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concer...
The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...
The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...
The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...
The European Centre of Vocational Excellence in Accessibility project’s vision is to enhance social inclusion of people with disabilities by focusing on excellence in Vocational Education and Training. The project aims to establish a Centre of Vocational Excellence researching the requirements of people with disabilities as well as stakeholders’ needs and priorities concerning accessibility is...
AEDIL Dairy aims to foster Dairy competitiveness through smart specialisation strategy for lifelong upskilling of employees, potential recruits and teachers by strengthening collaboration between learning stakeholders with a strong vocational and work-based learning tradition.
AEDIL Dairy aims to foster Dairy competitiveness through smart specialisation strategy for lifelong upskilling of employees, potential recruits and teachers by strengthening collaboration between learning stakeholders with a strong vocational and work-based learning tradition.
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Smart Farming and Sustainable Food Systems project aims to respond to the existing and emerging needs of an “agriculture of the future”. The project will work on contributing the necessary soft and technical skills needed for a transformed agriculture sector, covering the priority areas of digitalisation, decarbonisation, and sustain...
AgriNext’s goal is to create a learning environment that responds to the skill demand on the job market in the field of Multifunctional Agriculture by enabling interaction between teachers, trainers, mentors from companies, students, and researchers.
AgriNext’s goal is to create a learning environment that responds to the skill demand on the job market in the field of Multifunctional Agriculture by enabling interaction between teachers, trainers, mentors from companies, students, and researchers.
The AI-powered Next Generation of VET project addresses the need for trained workers in the field of Artificial Intelligence technology in Europe. The project will address the current skills gap by adding new innovative teaching content and methods to Vocational Education and Training curricula in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With a scope of 11 European countries, the...
The AI-powered Next Generation of VET project addresses the need for trained workers in the field of Artificial Intelligence technology in Europe. The project will address the current skills gap by adding new innovative teaching content and methods to Vocational Education and Training curricula in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With a scope of 11 European countries, the overal...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries. The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovati...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries. The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovative met...
The Centres of Vocational Excellence in Aerospace & Defence for Advanced Manufacturing project addresses the shortage of skilled personnel in manufacturing for the Aerospace and Defence industries. The project will set up a transnational cooperation ecosystem of Centres of Vocational Excellence for advanced manufacturing in the Aerospace sector, for the development of innovative methodologies an...
ALLVIEW (Alliance of Centers of Vocational Excellence in the Furniture and Wood sector) will create an EU platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence in the field of furniture and wood (F&W). It bases its training strategy of excellence in 3 pillars of i.
The Greening Europe with support of clean-tech-vehicle education project’s vision is to build an Education and Training framework for the vehicle sector with a clear orientation towards the green transition. The project aims to address the skills gap in the automotive sector regarding sustainability by setting up a multidisciplinary partnership between VET-schools, Higher Ed...
European Centres of Vocational Excellence in Apiculture.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on agrifood and funded by the Spanish National Government.
The BRIDGES Network of CoVE targets the development of aquaculture VET and Higher VET transnational platform, to provide flexible responses to the training, innovation and entrepreneurship needs of the finfish industry, with a strong emphasis on the moder.
The Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment aims at updating vocational skills ecosystems in the construction sector to the emerging needs in the area of green and digital skills. The project will develop a BuildEnrichedSkills methodology and a procedure to support Vocational Education and Training Centres to adapt their teaching offer more quickly to the digi...
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the automotive sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
The Cadmo ITS ACADEMY Foundation operates in the High Technical Specialization Post Diploma (MIUR Title) in order to train specialized technical resources in the Information and Communication Technologies sector.
Auvergne Rhône Alpes Aeronautics Campus.
Association created by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Academic Region, territorial organisation of the Ministries of National Education and Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council and Industries Méditerranée, unified representation of industry in the South Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur region. The Campus aims to build training courses aro...
Campus of trades and qualifications in the academy of Poitiers: Create spaces where actors from the educational world and those from the economic world can share and collaborate around promising and strategic sectors.
Le campus des métiers et des qualifications « Autonomie & inclsuion « rassemble sur un territoire donné, un réseau d'acteurs qui interviennent en partenariat pour créer un pôle d’excellence afin de mieux adapter l’offre de formation professionnels au besoin des territoires , d’anticiper et d’accompagner les mutations économiques et technologiques .
The Campus TIH brings together secondary and higher education establishments, initial or continuing training in the tourism, hotel and catering sector in the South Provence Côte d'Azur Region.
The Campus for marine-related professions and skills federates an initial training offer from secondary to higher education as well as a continuing education and apprenticeship, based on the competitiveness levers of the Industry of the Future.
The "Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications Industrie Technologique Innovante et Performante" (CMQ ITIP) of the University of Burgundy (Institute of Technology in the city Le Creusot in France) aims at bringing the world of education and research closer to the professional world for the benefit of young people and society through the evolution of teaching practices, corporate world transformati...
Métiers de la maroquinerie et métiers d'art.
The "Campus des Metiers et des Qualifications Numerique Drome Ardeche" (Digital Professions and Qualifications Campus) is a network of public and private stakeholders (establishments, companies, institutions) around professional training in digital professions.
Campus Customer relationship 3.0 Sectors : commerce, e-commerce, banking, insurance, property management.
Etablissement support du : Campus des métiers et des Qualifications Transport Logistique Sécurité Région Hauts-de-France.
The Campus aims to raise awareness and train pupils and students in emerging jobs in the mobility industry in a context of circular economy. This Campus provides training in transversal, scientific and technical skills in the fields of mobility, energy and recycling. The particularity of this campus is that it is strongly supported by the mobility industry and related fields.
CMQ Construction Durable Innovante.
The CARE about IT project is designed to reap the benefits of a closer collaboration between technology and the healthcare sectors in Europe. The project aims to provide future and current healthcare professionals with digital skills. In initial as well as continuing Vocational Education and Training, micro-credentials will be created and provide innovative educational programs...
Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation. CATALYST will contribute to the European Green Deal and the new Industrial and SME Strategies through the establishment of CoVEs in 5 countries. By creating educational offers for personal and organisational development, it aims to enable SMEs to re-think and re-design their business models.
The “Colleges for European Data Centre Education”(CEDCE) aims to create a Pan-European Data Centre education programme that provides excellence from Vocational Education to Higher Education for data centres. .
The “Colleges for European Data Centre Education”(CEDCE) aims to create a Pan-European Data Centre education programme that provides excellence from Vocational Education to Higher Education for data centres. .
Vocational school in Viken, Center for experience-based learning.
Center for innovative education, engaging learning and increased collaboration in higher vocational education.
Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .
The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.
The Center of Vocational Excellence Water Czech Republic is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.
The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.
The Center of Vocational Excellence Water South Africa is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on transport and logistics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on agrifood and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the Agrifood sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on the Aeronautic sector. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on healthcare. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the Aeronautic sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on hospitality. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on cyber security and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on healthcare. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on mechatronics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the audiovisual sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on healthcare. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the automotive sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on tourism. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on healthcare. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on renewable energy and is funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on hospitality. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on construction and sustainable energy and is funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on mechatronics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on renewable energy and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Information Technologies. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on mechatronics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on hospitality. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on cyber security and funded by the Spanish National Government.
The Center of Vocational Excellence Water is part of the EU funded Platform of Vocational Excellence Water. PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector.
Campus des Metier et des Qualifications d'Excellence - Bioeco Academy.
Regardless of the mode of learning, whether initial, continuing education or through work-study contracts, the objective remains the same: to prepare the professional of tomorrow. The Building and Intelligent Energy Systems 3.0 trades and qualifications campus strives to meet this objective by taking into account both the needs of the Branch's economic fabric and by measuring the gaps that require...
Centre of Vocational Excellence in Welding and Non-Destructive Testing.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the automotive sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on hospitality. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on renewable energy and funded by the Spanish National Government.
The DIHUB consortium is setting up a European-wide cluster of interconnected nodes using the latest cloud computing technologies for innovations development, education and for generation of new start-ups.
ECoVEM establishes a European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. ECoVEM implem.
The Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain (EE4M) project addresses the increasing need for training, re-, and upskilling of engineers in the mobility value chain to adapt to the recent developments of Industry 4.0 / Industry 5.0 (smart operations management) and sustainability (sustainable operations management). EE4M focuses on the professional development of sm...
EULEP aims to make continuous VET more attractive for lifelong learning whilst offering businesses new and tailor-made training modules that correspond to their skills needs in innovation-oriented subjects such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and social innovation.
DeuS is a regional Vocational Educational Training (VET) project that aims to co-create a european-wide learning and training approach in design, critical thinking and entrepreneurship to find participatory, creative and cost-effective solutions to local .
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
Green CoVE Denmark is a so-called CoVE, i.e. a Centre of Vocational Excellence - one of the country's first - that brings together the forces of large and small green companies and start-ups, green vocational schools and further education, research, consulting and local authorities.
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
EUVECA - European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care EUVECA will provide future oriented skills for innovation and development of the health care sector. The aim of the project is to support digitalization, staff/patient involvement, and patient responsibility in order to gain maximum quality in care, patient safety, efficiency, and economic sustainability. involvemen...
European Vocational Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims to tackle three main objectives: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; adapting and building resilience to climate change; and reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible.
The Excellence in Green and Digital Manufacturing project aims at preparing the Advanced Manufacturing sector for the disruptive changes caused by the green and digital twin transitions. EXCEED assumes the synergic and mutual benefitting application of digital and green as powerful leverages to accelerate innovation in Advanced Manufacturing. The project will provide competenc...
The goal of the EXAM 4.0 HUB, is to drive innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector. The project will establish a platform of excellent advanced manufacturing VET centres. The EXAM 4.0 hub aims at becoming a reference in skills governance in the pa.
Fashion Earth Alliance for fashion, textiles and apparel industries. Fashion Earth Alliance aims to provide fashion and textile stakeholders with innovative tools for training and upskilling, both through traditional learning approaches as well as using digital technologies as part of an innovative Online Transnational Cooperation Platform, including mobility of learners and staff.
The Higher Technological Institutes (ITS Academy) are schools of excellence with high technological specialization after the diploma that allow the achievement of the higher technician qualification. They are the expression of a strategy based on the connection of education, training and work policies with industrial policies. Pegusus focusses on sustainable mobility.
The ITS Foundation of Reggio Calabria , like all Higher Technical Institutes (ITS), was created by applying the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 25 January 2008, with the aim of contributing to the diffusion of technical and scientific culture and supporting, in a systematic way, measures for the economic development and competitiveness of the Italian production system in l...
GIVE is essentially focused on the social dimension of VET. The project aims at designing and developing a European Platform of Centres of Excellence devoted to innovating VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged group.
Vocational Excellence, Policy and Enterprise United for Hospitality Management Skills Adapted on Environmental Footprint Methods.
GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...
GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...
GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...
GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...
GREENOVET fosters VET Excellence in Green Innovation across Europe enabling innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy. The project fosters the development of skills ecosystems, contributing to regional development, as well as boosting green and sustainable economic growth. It aims at developing significant capacities for green innovation to teachers and students in all EQF levels, industry rep...
Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence.
The Fuel Cells and Green Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence towards affordable, secure, and sustainable energy for Europe project aims to close the existing skills gap in the fuel cells and clean hydrogen industry. The project will establish the H2Excellence Platform of Vocational Excellence that will create and implement lifelong learning offers and develop transnation...
The Alliance of Centres of Excellence in Vocational Training for Sustainable Habitat project aims to respond to the skills shortage and mismatches caused by the digital and green transition in the Habitat sector. To this aim the project will develop innovative, learner-centred teaching methods, curricula on technical skills and key competences, and a system of certification for micro-credentials
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Information Technologies. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on Automatized Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on agrifood and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on renewable energies and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the audiovisual sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focusing on mechatronics. This Center is funded by the Spanish National Government initiative.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on cyber security and funded by the Spanish National Government.
Intelligent printing, flexible and organic electronics Excellence.
EPLUG aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to address biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in the urban, green living environment, and to broaden the expertise among professionals in Europe. The project specifically addresses the development of innovative curricula and teaching methodologies in the field of urban green landscaping, in order to rise the quality and adaptabi...
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on renewable energy and advanced manufacturing and is funded by the Spanish National Government.
This Center of Vocational Excellence is focused on the automotive sector and funded by the Spanish National Government.
Innovation Vocational Excellence in Tech.
Build the foundation for a sustainable future! Support and enhance the Italian agri-food industry with a two-year specialization course and a period of training in the company.
The ITS TELA FOUNDATION, acronym for Territorio del Lavoro, was established to activate and develop the ITS in the Agri-food sector, in the New Technologies Area for Made in Italy, with 3 new highly specialized post-diploma training courses.
At ITS Academy Abruzzo Turismo e Cultura we transform your passions into a successful career in tourism and culture. With quality training and a strong connection with local businesses, we prepare you for a bright future. Join us, and let your potential surprise you.
The ITS Academy Antonio Bruno Foundation was founded in 2018 in Grottaminarda (Av), in Irpinia, an area rich in industrial settlements and prosperous with initiatives related to scientific, digital and communications technologies, as well as more traditional service technologies.
The ITS BACT foundation; Innovative Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Activities and tourism, the best way to project your future into the world of work!.
ITS Academy Campania moda is a higher technological institute specialized in the field of Fashion, recognized by the MIM which offers professionalizing tertiary training for young graduates, training highly qualified higher technicians, in the New Technologies Area for Made in Italy - FASHION SYSTEM Area.
The Foundation will train highly specialized technicians (engineers) in the most advanced and driving sectors of the regional production system and the world economy: oil & gas and FER - renewable energy sources. Two sectors that represent the two souls of Basilicata and foresee a future scenario, at a global level, that is of synergies and not of competition. .
This ITS Academy is a school of excellence, recognized by the MIM, which operates in the field of tertiary level education for a concrete and incisive action of strengthening and raising the quality of the training offer in the area: "Technologies for artistic-cultural assets and activities and for tourism" and in the field: "Tourism and cultural activities".
Studying in the company and working in the classroom: Pinta was born because there was no school in Calabria to create the professional skills required by agri-food companies with a focus on the wine sector .
ITS Academy: Bridge between school and the world of work. Log in with qualifications, certifications and skills Agri-food will increasingly be at the centre of the economy of the future, precision agriculture, food safety, innovation, research, communication, territory and industry, in short are our training units.
Do you want to be a protagonist in the digital world? Discover our post-diploma courses that will allow you to become an expert technician and will accompany you into the world of work.
LITS MO.ST (ITS FOR SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY, TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS ITS MO.ST) is a Technical and Vocational Post-Graduate School with a strong focus on technology. It has an independent legal configuration in the form of a Participatory Foundation, and it is charged with the task of holding two-year post-diploma courses in Higher Technical Education within the technological field of the mobil...
The textile-clothing sector has for many years been one of the very few competitive excellences, recognized at international level , of our country system and is the custodian of an enormous cultural heritage of knowledge, integrated and enriched by constant innovation. Over the last ten years, significant changes have occurred in the competitive systems that have determined the need to modify ...
The Foundation called "Istituto TECHNICO SUPERIORE per l'EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA A. MONACO" is made up of 9 members including the Istituto Tecnico Superiore A. Monaco, the University of Calabria, private and public organizations (such as Confindustria, the Province of Cosenza, Enel Green Power Spa), training institutions and individuals who have formed to create an innovative training system capable...
Special technology school that constitutes the channel of post-secondary non-university higher education. It carries out two-year courses of high specialization for the achievement of the Diploma of Higher Technician operating in the technological area of ??energy efficiency. It is managed by a participatory foundation made up of schools, businesses, universities, research centers, local authori...
LCAMP - Learner Centric Advanced Manufacturing Platform LCAMP aims to support and enable regional Advanced Manufacturing CoVEs to become more resilient, innovative, and better equipped to train, upgrade, and reskill learners, young and adults, to successfully face the digital and green transitions.
Coordinated by the Societe D'enseignement Professionnel Du Rhone, MOSAIC aims to bring together EU and non-EU partners to foster Excellence in VET within the Arts & Crafts sector, ensure high quality skills that lead to quality employment and career-long opportunities for all.
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
P4ELECS starts from a strong need in the innovation landscape of the energy sector to support the provision of competences and practical skills for projects relevant to the energy transition, reducing the time needed to go from research to implementation as well as creating flows of knowledge and experiences at international level, through an integrated system. P4ELECS focuses on electrification, ...
Pilot PoVE water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector, translating them into an approach of vocational excellence. .
Promoting Integrated Professional Development for Prison Practitioners in Vocational Excellence for Offender Reintegration.
PROMOTE provides an integrated approach to continuous professional training for practitioners working inside the criminal correctional justice system, with a focus on the learner experience and updating competencies that have a direct impact on the successful release and integration of prisoners into society. The project aims to establish centers of vocational excellence that democratize access to...
The SEBCoVE project (Smart Electricity for Buildings – Centres of Vocational Excellence) is bringing together a network of organisations from seven European countries (Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, North Macedonia, The Netherlands) representing both education providers and industry, who share the same commitment of cooperating in a systematic way..The objectives of the “Smart Electr...
SECOVE - Sustainable Energy Centres of Vocational Excellence SECOVE aims to establish a network of cooperation among CoVEs in 5 European countries, in the sector of clean and sustainable energy. The CoVEs will cooperate transnationally with each other through common structured forms of dialogue and communication.
SEED - Sustainable Energy Education SEED will develop innovative vocational education and training, providing solutions for preventing global climate change and for Europe to become a fossil free energy continent. The project aims to create COVEs dedicated to sustainable energy in five regions, empowering regional innovation based on regional needs learning.
Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...
Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...
Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...
Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...
Education has a hugely important role to play in helping tackling climate change and driving the transition to a green energy continent. Challenges in transition develop rapidly, with a high demand for digital and green. SEED appreciates the need to distil relevant information that is useful for the Centres of Vocational Excellence about issues of skills supply and demand. Therefore...
Southern European Community for Offshore Wind Energy.
Shaping Talents and Achieving Vocational Excellence in Sports.
T-shore - Technical Skills for Harmonized Offshore Renewable Energy T-shore will develop and establish a European network of VET-schools and training centers in offshore wind energy. The aim is to create innovative approaches for skills provision in the offshore renewable energy sector by linking offshore-energy-hotspots spread across Europe and stimulate innovation and collaboratio...
T-shore - Technical Skills for Harmonized Offshore Renewable Energy T-shore will develop and establish a European network of VET-schools and training centers in offshore wind energy. The aim is to create innovative approaches for skills provision in the offshore renewable energy sector by linking offshore-energy-hotspots spread across Europe and stimulate innovation and collaboratio...
In the Center of Vocational Excellence T-Shore Denmark, Danish companies and schools are collaborating closely to make sure students and workers in the offshore wind sector have the right skills and access to the latest innovations in the sector.
Talentjourney project aims to narrow skills gap in manufacturing sector, in the field of Connectivity Devices and Services/CDS (IoT in smart manufacturing), which focuses on user-oriented, user-friendly and eco-friendly solutions.
The Transforming Education Area and Competency Hub for Sustainable Development project focuses on training teachers and developing innovative teaching material to contribute to the efforts of sustainable development laid out in the European Green Deal. The project will setup five Centres of Vocational Excellence on one topic each, covering health, trade, entrepreneurship, clot...
The Knowledge on ecological restoration to maximize benefits for nature and people (TEAM#UP) project’s vision is to mobilise extensive knowledge and to enhance skills in the field of ecological restoration. The project aims to fill gaps in green Vocational Education and Training by setting up four Centres of Vocational Excellence, each focusing on a relevant subtopic. The Co...
Tour X - CoVEs for the Tourism Industry Tour X aims to develop a bottom-up approach to excellence in the Tourism Sector, where Educational Providers (VET, HEIs) are increasing their ability to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs.
Vocational Training for Optimal Learning and Growth in the European Battery Industry.
VOLTAGE is a transformative and forward-looking project that spearheads innovation in the dynamic and growing battery industry. Through strategic collaborations with partners in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Portugal, and Türkiye, the project places a strong emphasis on vocational education and training (VET) to address the industry's evolving demands. With a long-term vision in mind, VOLTAGE aims to...
Regional and International Education Partnerships for Workplace Innovation in SMEs.
The CoVE “WIN4SMEs” will significantly boost workplace innovation in SMEs by nurturing a skilled workforce and entrepreneurship, fostering collaborative environments and promoting knowledge transfer. .
National CoVE Initiative | |
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