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Public-Private collaborationPPC

  • 3LoE

    The comprehensive provision of green skills is a key priority of 3LoE. Addressing the challenges of energy, climate and environmental protection, 3LoE establishes Centres of Vocational Excellence on green economy and implements a wide range of vocational .

  • Algebra

    Algebra University College is the flagship of largest private educational organization in Republic of Croatia and the region (Algebra group), present today in more than 20 cities across Croatia. Founded in 1998, we currently have more than 150 full-time employees and more than 600 associated experts and higher educational faculties employed also in industry.

  • Berufsbildungszentrum IDM Thun

    We are a cantonal vocational school with around 300 employees and 3,500 learners. We offer training and further education in the areas of industrial, commercial, service and fashion design (IDM) at five locations in the Bernese Oberland. .

  • Bundesinstitut für Berufliche Bildung

    The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is recognised as a centre of excellence for vocational research and for the progressive development of vocational education and training (VET) in Germany. BIBB works to identify future challenges in VET, stimulate innovation in national and international vocational systems, and develop new, practice-oriented solutions for both init...

  • Camosun Innovates

    Camosun College is located in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia with campuses on the Traditional Territories of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples. We acknowledge their welcome and graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here.

  • Centro San Valero

    The San Valero Foundation is a non-profit Diocesan Work at the service of people and society. Fundación San Valero has promoted the rest of the entities that make up the San Valero Group. .

  • CiFP Aguas Nuevas

    Former agricultural training school and later secondary education institute, the center is currently the first C.I.F.P (integrated vocational training center) in Castilla la Mancha.

  • CIFP Armeria Eskola LHII

    Armeria Eskola is an integrated and public vocational training centre in Eibar. We are located in an industrial area and offer intermediate and high-level courses and higher training courses, several specialist training courses and training for employment.

  • CIFP Armeria Eskola LHII

    Armeria Eskola is an integrated and public vocational training centre in Eibar. We are located in an industrial area and offer intermediate and high-level courses and higher training courses, several specialist training courses and training for employment. Together with our 63 industry partners we conduct applied research and do innovation projects.


    IMH Campus is an educational campus specialising in advanced and digital manufacturing, which works in a network with local and international strategic alliances, and offers, on the one hand, high-value training for people, through university education, vocational training and continuing education and, on the other hand, services for companies through technological and organisational innovation pr...

  • CIFP Iurreta LHII

    The CIFP Iurreta LHII began its training activity in the 1978/79 academic year. During its long career it has dedicated its efforts to offering quality training that facilitates job placement and lifelong learning for its students, promoting employability, responding and anticipating the socioeconomic needs of our environment.

  • CIFP Tolosaldea LHII

    Tolosaldea Integrated Vocational Training Center is a public educational center located in the neighbourhood of Santa Lucia in Tolosa where it coexists with other public schools (Samaniego Ikastetxea, IES Orixe), forming what is called the Santa Lucia educational complex of Tolosa.

  • CPIFP Harrobia LHIPI


  • CPIFP Oteitza LHIPI

    Oteitza Lizeo Politeknikoa, is a new center, under the ownership of the Bitoriano Gandiaga Foundation, which collects the experience and know-how of Antoniano Ikastetxe Politeknikoa.

  • CPIFP Salesiarrak Urnieta LHIPI

    We are a comprehensive training center, with more than half a century of experience and in continuous growth and permanent evolution, located in an ideal location in the Ergoien neighborhood of Urnieta.

  • Curt Nicolin Gymnasiet AB

    Curt Nicolin Gymnasiet is a non-profit independent school in Finspång that is owned by the region's industry and Finspång municipality. .

  • De Duurzaamheidsfabriek (The Sustainability Factory)

    Alone you go faster, together you go further. We believe in this at the Sustainability Factory and we see it in practice every day. Are you organizing a meeting to share knowledge? An (online) event to get people moving? Or do you want to take steps in the field of innovation? We offer you an inspiring environment and a network of interesting people and organizations who are happy to help you take...

  • De Duurzaamheidsfabriek

    With its unique dynamics and facilities, the Sustainability Factory provides space for innovation and lifelong development. Companies from the region and beyond are closely involved in the factory and use its facilities to train their employees, for knowledge sharing and meetings and as an inspiring setting for their innovative projects.

  • De Noordzee Learning Community

    De Noordzee Learning Community is opgezet met een ambitieuze multisectoriële visie: het bevorderen van meer instroom, het stimuleren van innovatie en het creëren van een betere synergie tussen het onderwijs en het bedrijfsleven binnen de offshore-energiesector, "van zeewier tot helikopter". .

  • Drenthe College / practorate

    Drenthe College is an MBO and training center. Every year, approximately 8,000 students follow a course at Drenthe College. Close to home at one of the many locations in the province of Drenthe. With 800 employees spread across our locations in Assen, Emmen and Meppel, we offer varied education. Our mission is to challenge students, partners and each other to push their boundaries. We do this by p...

  • Foundation: Every VET a practorate (Ieder MBO een practoraat)

    A practitioner - analogous to professorships in higher professional education - conducts practice-oriented research to improve the quality of education. The foundation was founded on June 30, 2015.

  • Hamburg University of Technology

    The Institute for Technical Education and University Didactics (ITBH) is part of the Dean's Office for Technology and Innovation in Education at the Hamburg University of Technology.

  • Hamburger Institut für Berufliche Bildung

    The HIBB was founded in January 2007 as an independent state owned management agency (“Landesbetrieb”). The institute belongs to the Hamburg Ministry of Schools and Vocational Education. It comprises all 31 vocational schools in Hamburg and the headquarters. Tasks of the headquarters include administration management, control and counseling, support and supervision of schools, the develo...

  • HCAT - Hamburg Centre of Aviation Training-Lab

    The Hamburg Center of Aviation Training-Lab (HCAT+) eV is the development network for future-oriented training and further education in the civil aviation industry in the Hamburg metropolitan region, which is the world's third largest location in this industry with more than 40,000 employees.

  • Helsinki Business College

    Business College Helsinki has long experience and a good reputation as an expert and developer of high quality vocational education. As a forward-looking training provider, we offer our students versatile learning environments, individual career paths, and various skills for developing personal and professional skills. In addition to teaching, we focus on our good connections with working life.

  • Hogeschool VIVES

    VIVES is the largest university of West-Flanders. VIVES has campuses in five students citys in West-Flanders, in Bruges en Ostende(VIVES North) and in Kortrijk, Roeselare en Torhout(VIVES South). Our university offers educations in six fields of study: Applied engineering and Technology, Applied social studies, biotechnology, Commercial sciences, Business managemen...

  • Holmesglen Institute

    Holmesglen is a leading Australian provider of vocational and higher education and one of the largest government-owned TAFEs in the state of Victoria. With 40 years’ experience and more than 140,000 graduates, we are TAFE at its best.

  • Hong-Kong Metropolitan University

    Founded in 2012, the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) is a member institute of the Vocational Training Council (VTC). In Academic Year 2022/23, THEi offers 20 innovative degree programmes across our three Faculties of Design and Environment, Management and Hospitality and Science and Technology that are applied science-oriented and developed with significant indu...

  • IES Condestable Álvaro de Luna


  • insitut Forschung und Betriebliche Bildung

    The Institut für Betriebliche Bildung GmbH (IFBB) is a private research institute, which sees its primary task in the interlocking of stakeholders of the operational education with actors of its science, as well as the education-political regulatory work. Among the self-set goals are the initiation and support of practice-oriented action and application research as a formative transfer partner,...

  • Instituto Fernando III


  • ITB - University of Bremen

    The Institute Technology and Education (ITB) was founded in October 1986 and is now a Central Research Unit (CRU) of the University of Bremen.


    LCAMP - Learner Centric Advanced Manufacturing Platform LCAMP aims to support and enable regional Advanced Manufacturing CoVEs to become more resilient, innovative, and better equipped to train, upgrade, and reskill learners, young and adults, to successfully face the digital and green transitions.


    Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology is the country’s leading vocational education and training institution. Six Institutes in Malta and the Gozo Campus, MCAST offers over 190 full-time courses and over 300 part-time vocational courses ranging from certificates to Doctoral level (MQF Level 1 to Level 8).

  • Metropolia UAS

    Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland’s largest university of applied sciences, educates future professionals in the fields of Business, Culture, Health Care and Social Services, and Technology. Metropolia is a community of 17,188 students and more than 1,000 experts. In Metropolia, people and worlds meet to create insight, expertise and well-being.

  • Mohawk College

    Mohawk College is fully accredited and funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and is a member of the Association of Community Colleges of Canada (ACCC).

  • NBCC - New Brunswick Community College

    Our students learn in a dynamic environment through hands-on training, state-of-the-art equipment and real-world experiences. With more than 90 programs offered across New Brunswick, NBCC provides a wide range of learning opportunities that prepare you to step into the workplace with expertise and confidence.

  • New Brunswick Community College

    Post-secondary learning through hands-on training, state-of-the-art equipment and real-world experiences. Learners come to NBCC confident they’ll get the skills and education they need for the workforce. Our diverse learning experiences not only offer an edge in the workplace, they position learners for greater impact in their communities and beyond. Through the NBCC Advantage, we...

  • Niagara College

    Located in the Heart of the Niagara Region – just minutes from one of the world’s most well-known tourism destinations – Niagara College offers more than 130 innovative programs between our state-of-the-art campuses in Welland and Niagara-on-the-Lake.

  • Nordmetall Arbeitsgeber Verband

    NORDMETALL is the Employers’ Association of the Metal and Electrical Industries.

  • ROC Da Vinci College

    The Da Vinci College is a regional training center for secondary vocational education . Our school offers more than 220 MBO courses in various directions and we have various corporate courses and training , education and integration programs and VAVO in-house. With this wide range of services, Da Vinci College is not only at the center of society, but we also contribute to the quality of our socie...

  • ROC van Amsterdam and Flevoland

    There is no better profession than developing talents. We do this every day at the ROC of Amsterdam – Flevoland. The largest provider of MBO education in the Randstad. An organization that is rock solid and where you get every opportunity.

  • Setubal Polytechnic Institute

    The Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (IPS) is the higher education reference in the region, with a campus in Setubal and a campus in Barreiro. It offers a variety of courses in several study fields and different higher education levels (Undergraduate degrees and Master's degrees). It bets on practical teaching, focused on the needs of the labour market. The quality of courses and teachers, a close...

  • Setubal Polytechnic Institute

    The Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (IPS) is the higher education reference in the region, with a campus in Setubal and a campus in Barreiro.

  • Singapore skills agency


  • Solski center velenue

    At Å C Velenje, we have been systematically approaching the determination and assurance of quality since 1998, which is why we already established an umbrella committee for quality at the Velenje School Center in previous school years.

  • Stichting Praktoraten

    THE NETHERLANDS: PROMOTING RESEARCH IN VET SCHOOLS Teacher teams promote research as a method of evidence-informed innovation of education practices. Teacher-researchers (practor) have formed a multi-disciplinary teacher team (practoraat) in many VET-schools. Practors operate as mediators conducting and linking research with education practice. They develop a structured appro...

  • Summa College

    Within the scope of a comprehensive range of international education types, Summa College Eindhoven is executing a project under the name Summa International (SI). The ambition is to develop and offer at least six international MBO 4 programmes fully in English, divided into six different sectors.

  • Tartu Vocational College

    Tartu Vocational College situates in Tartu, the second largest city in Estonia. We are leading vocational school in Estonia and offer tuition to a large and diverse target group of learners starting from age 16. Annually around 3000 students take part in the VET studies on technology, construction, beauty, IT, business, food, catering and hospitality management curriculas. Internation...

  • University of Hamburg

    The first full professorship for education at Universität Hamburg was filled in 1923. Following an eventful history of educational science and teacher training at Universität Hamburg, a department of education was founded in 1969 and divided into five sections, each encompassing several subject groups.

  • Victorian TAFE Association Team

    The voice of Victorian TAFE and dual sector universities The VTA is a not-for-profit organisation that informs, supports and represents the interests of the Victorian TAFE sector, including Victoria’s 12 TAFE institutes, four dual sector universities and AMES Australia. The VTA proudly champions the interests of public vocational education providers with a focus on sustain...

  • Vidzeme Technology And Design Vocational School

    Why study VTDT? Scholarship up to 150 euros per month Profession after graduating from technical school Demand in the labor market Living in a service hotel Internships in companies during studies Wide range of sports and activities Opportunities to continue studying at university Participation in comp...

  • Vidzemie University of Applied SCiences

    Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) is a state university founded in 1996, which offers 15 study programs in the faculties of Social Sciences and Engineering.

  • WXIT

    Wuxi Institute of Technology (WXIT) is a full-time public higher vocational institute, which was located in Wuxi-a beautiful city near the Tai lake. WXIT, founded in 1959, was originally from Wuxi agricultural mechanical school established by ministry of agriculture. In 1999, it has been approved by the ministry of education and changed its name to Wuxi Institute of Technology (W...

  • York Technical College

    York Technical College is more than just an accredited public two-year institution of higher education, and a member of the South Carolina Technical and Comprehensive Education System. It's a community of kind, intelligent, and passionate people who share admirable core values that make us who we are.

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Center of Vocational Excellence