Diesis Network

We are the widest European network specialised in supporting social and solidarity economy and social enterprises covering 20 countries through major national federations and support networks associating over 90,000 organisations and 1.2 million workers.
Diesis Network aims at contributing to the growth of social economy in Europe and worldwide. Together with our members, we support the development of social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation by sharing knowledge through peer learning, capacity
building, cross-sectorial and cross-country exchanges of good practices and research. Through our initiatives
we influence national and European policies. Sustainability and Innovation are at the core of Diesis
Network human centred approach. We believe in an inclusive economy based on social and economic impact, in the primacy of individual and the social objective over capital in democratic governance. Sustainability and innovation are at the core of Diesis Network human centred approach.
We believe in an inclusive economy based on social and economic impact, in the primacy of individual and the social objective over capital in democratic governance.
Through our initiatives, we foster cooperation between ecosystems and raise awareness for social economy, partnering with European and international networks.

About us

ContactAlessia Sebillo
E-mail addressalessia.sebillo@diesis.coop
Sector of expertise:Culture/Creative industries
Other community, social and personal service activities
Social MediaTwitter

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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence