As a specialist in independent assessment, VETASSESS is at the forefront of discussions about how to check and evaluate qualifications and experience and is a trusted partner to governments, educators and industries.

As a Government Business Enterprise, VETASSESS is proud to be associated with Bendigo Kangan Institute, one of the largest TAFE training providers in Australia.

The Australian Government has appointed VETASSESS as the provider of skills assessments for migration purposes for more than 350 professional occupations. We also provide assessments for 29 trade occupations.

About us

CountryCook Islands
ContactPrashil Singh
Type of organisation:VET provider
Education level:ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Sector of expertise:Accommodation and food service activities
Administrative and support service activities
Agriculture, hunting & forestry
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Culture/Creative industries
Electricity, gas and water supply
Healthcare and Social Work
Mining and quarrying
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Real estate
Transport, storage and communication
Wholesale and retail trade
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:View Capability Brochure
Social MediaTwitter

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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence