The BRIDGES Network of CoVE targets the development of aquaculture VET and Higher VET transnational platform, to provide flexible responses to the training, innovation and entrepreneurship needs of the finfish industry, with a strong emphasis on the modernisation and digitalisation of work-based learning and apprenticeship systems. The project will establish an Aquaculture Skills Foresight Forum (ASFF) to define finfish culture, knowledge and skills and develop a common competence framework (CCF) with learning outcomes to inform VET development and future national qualification revisions

Project Aims: • Create an Aquaculture Skills Foresight Forum (ASFF) to lead the harmonisation of north European occupational standards and learning outcomes. • Formalise a respected north European aquaculture VET provider network and increase the responsiveness of VET providers towards farming industry needs • Develop mentors, farm-based skills instruction within aquaculture companies to increase their contribution to a quality assured assessment VET delivery. • Strengthen the aquaculture business skills base and capabilities for innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship

Main Deliverables: • Development of a common competence framework, clearly describing the practical competences required of finfish husbandry operatives and site mangers in Northern Europe • Establishment of a framework of shared learning outcomes • Development of an aquaculture work-based learning manual, describing the VET/industry partnership model for work-based delivery of aquaculture VET • Provision of VET practitioner development guidelines and of aquaculture e-learning resources

If you would like to know more, download the factsheet.

About us

ContactDag Willmann
Type of organisation:Regional authority
Education level:ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
ISCED 5: Short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 6: Bachelor's or equivalent level
Sector of expertise: Digitalisation
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:BRIDGES is one of the 12 pilot Centers of Vocational Excellence, funded by the European Commission
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Center of Vocational Excellence