ECoVEM - European Center of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics

ECoVEM establishes a European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches towards life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystems-based theoretical models and performance support systems.

Main objectives:

• Share ideas, methodologies and experiences towards vocational excellence in microelectronics sector, notably through the analysis and anticipation of relevant skills, innovative learning, job-related and work-based training

• Develop innovative VET curricula for EQF 3 to 8 in collaboration with companies, polytechnics and social partners

• Disseminate the achievements of microelectronics in digitalisation, green energy, robotics, space technologies and medicine to raise the attractiveness of microelectronics VET

Main Deliverables:

• Provision of skills and occupation profiles for microelectronics

• Establishment of an open microelectronics skills and qualification framework

• Development of new curricula and short courses, including on microelectronics for greener economy

• Provision of guidelines for innovative learner-centred VET with e-learning materials design and work-based learning approach

• Development of an ECoVEM certification and recognition model

Would you like to know more? Download the factsheet.

About us

ContactSlavka Tzanova
Type of organisation:Tertiary education
Education level:ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
ISCED 5: Short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 6: Bachelor's or equivalent level
ISCED 7: Master's or equivalent level
Sector of expertise: Digitalisation
(Advanced) Manufacturing
Micro electronics
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:ECOVEM is one of the 12 pilot Centers of Vocational Excellence, funded by the European Commission

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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence