RDH NGO is an organisation, made by researchers and innovators. The organisation's mission is to design and implement research and development projects, with a primary focus on creating value for humanity.
More specifically, the missions of the organisation are the following:
- Environmental protection, halting the escalation of climate change, and mitigating its impacts.
- The rational use and fair distribution of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity.
- The promotion of sustainability, the circular economy, and the achievement of environmental neutrality.
- The widespread adoption of electric mobility in all transportation sectors.
- The rational use of energy, the gradual weaning from fossil fuels, and the promotion of renewable energy projects.
- The shift of social partners to responsible production and consumption practices.
- The protection of public health and the ensuring of equal access to it by all members of society.
- The elimination of all forms of social discrimination and the promotion of the principle of equality and equal treatment.
- The achievement of responsible and sustainable economic development and economic convergence.
- Ensuring the independence of institutions and the proper application of laws.
- Access to education and training for all members of society.
- A fair, safe, and responsible digital transition.
- Good governance in public and private entities, and rational and ethical decision-making.
- The measurement and evaluation of externalities, both positive and negative.
- The protection and promotion of tangible and intangible elements of public history and cultural heritage.
- The support and promotion of basic research, science, and experimental development.
- The creation of partnerships between the building blocks of society to create works and actions that offer added value to society as a whole and to humanity.

About us

ContactKleanthis Kaldellis
E-mail addressklekaldellis@gmail.com
Type of organisation:Social partner
Education level:ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Sector of expertise:Administrative and support service activities
Financial and insurance activities
Financial intermediation
Professional, scientific and technical activities
Renewable Energy
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:We are currently participating as partners in several proposals under the CoVE 2024 Call.
Social MediaTwitter

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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence