Vocational Qualifications Authority of Türkiye

Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) is a national public body which was established by Law No: 5544 in 2006 to set up and operate the national vocational qualifications system and Turkish Qualifications Framework in compliance with the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework.
The Turkish Qualifications Framework points out the national qualifications framework which was designed in harmony with the European Qualifications Framework and displays all qualifications gained through vocational, general and academic programs including primary, secondary and higher education or other learning environments. In 2016, VQA developed and improved Turkish Qualifications Database.
Since 2008, Vocational Qualifications Authority is the National Europass Centre of Türkiye which is responsible for coordinating, managing and promoting Europass.

Main objectives: Developing qualified and certified labour force in Türkiye, improving the quality of both formal and non-formal vocational education and training, strengthening the link between education and employment, promoting recognition of prior learning, supporting lifelong learning. VQA has implemented numerous IPA and Erasmus+ projects to ahcieve this goals.
Scope of work, areas of activity: Establishing and opeating the national vocational qualifications system, developing the national occupational standards and national qualification specifications, providing input to VET curricula, developing and implementing Turkish Qualifications Framework, ensuring the quality assurance of all qualifications in Türkiye, authorising certification bodies to conduct assessment and certification activities in accordance with national qualification specifications, monitoring and auditing certification bodies, implementing Europass Framework and European Qualifications Framework. Besides, VQA is repsonsible for the implementation of Europass and EQF in Türkiye which are the EU tools for transparency and recognition of qualifications. VQA experts are also the members of National Vocational Eduacation Experts Team.

Type: National Qualification Authority (public body)

Organisational structue: VQA is the affiliated body of the Ministry of Labor and Social Securit. VQA has administrative and financial autonomy.
VQA comprises of the following organs: General Assembly, Executive Board, Sector Committees, Presidency and service departments. General Assembly is the highest decision making organ of the Authority and the representatives of social parties consist the majority. VQA Executive Board is the executive organ of the Authority and includes three representatives from the public sector and three representatives from the social parties. Decisions about all the activities of the Authority are adopted by the General Assembly and implemented by the Executive Board.
The current organizational structure of the Authority includes eight main service departments. Main service departments are; Department of Occupational Standards, Department of Assesment and Certification, Department of Turkish Qualifications Framework, Department of International Relations and European Union Affairs, Department of Human Resources and Support Services, Department of Strategy Development and Department of Audit. There is also a law consultancy unit responsible for legal matters.
Number of VQA staff is 127.

About us

Contact?mren ONBAS?OGLU
E-mail addressionbasioglu@myk.gov.tr
Type of organisation:National authority
Education level:ISCED 2: Lower secondary education
ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
ISCED 5: Short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 6: Bachelor's or equivalent level
ISCED 7: Master's or equivalent level
Sector of expertise:Accommodation and food service activities
Activities of households
Administrative and support service activities
Agriculture, hunting & forestry
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Culture/Creative industries
Electricity, gas and water supply
Extra-territorial organizations and bodies
Financial and insurance activities
Financial intermediation
Healthcare and Social Work
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:non
Social MediaTwitter

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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence