Kaunas Education Center of Technologies (Kautech)

We are a vocational training centre in Lithuania and we aim to join CoVE initiatives that unite organizations in the transport, mechanics, business and services, wood processing, construction sectors. Kaunas Education Center of Technologies (Kautech) was established in 2022 after the merging of three vocational schools (Kaunas Technical Vocational Education Centre, Vilkija Agricultural school and Kaunas Construction and Services Training Centre). About 3000 students led by 250 teachers learn at our school. The centre consists of 10 departments. Students are offered lower-secondary education in gymnasium classes of technological trend, upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education. There are in-service training and retraining courses for adults. Learners improve their practical skills in three modern Sectoral practical training centres: Sectoral practical training centre for innovations in wood technology and furniture production, Sectoral practical training centre for motor vehicle repair, Sectoral practical training centre for construction. We have gained rich experiences during our cooperation in previous international projects co-financed by the European Union.

About us

ContactRita Jakaitiene
E-mail addressrita.jakaitiene@kautech.lt
Type of organisation:VET provider
Education level:ISCED 2: Lower secondary education
ISCED 3: Upper secondary education
ISCED 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education
Sector of expertise:(Advanced) Manufacturing
Agriculture, hunting & forestry
Electricity, gas and water supply
Renewable Energy
Transport, storage and communication
Current level of involvement in Vocational Excellence:We are a vocational training centre in Lithuania and we aim to join CoVE initiatives that unite organizations in the transport, mechanics, business and services, wood processing, construction sectors.
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Potentiële partner
Center of Vocational Excellence