The “Colleges for European Data Centre Education”(CEDCE) aims to create a Pan-European Data Centre education programme that provides excellence from Vocational Education to Higher Education for data centres.

The CEDCE-project consortium consists of educational institutions(EQF-levels 3-7) and businesses/sector representatives from Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal and Ireland whom will bring in their business demand and educational supply. Furthermore, businesses will contribute their expertise to train the lecturers and students. The educational development will be focused on two branches, Data Technicians and Facility Engineers, with an important attention to apprenticeship models.

CEDCE targets various participants and stakeholder: educators, current/future students,Data centre employees,-businesses/representatives and individuals who are interested to be reskilled to the data centre industry.

CEDCE has the following objectives:

(1) Create a network model for data centre education at the regional/national level where educational institutions, (non-)governmental organisations and data centre companies and sector representatives work side by side in the skills ecosystem and energy saving on data centres. (2): Create a European-wide Platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence on Data Centres, consists the regional/national clusters mentioned in the previous objectives. (3): Create and implement Pan-European standards for Data Centre education (Data Technician and Facility Engineers) from EQF levels 3-7 for current students as well as employees that require up- or reskilling(Lifelong Learning). (4): Create and implement an apprenticeship model for Data Centre education from EQF levels 3-7 at the local level, as well as through and European mobility opportunities.  (5): Include 21st century skills training in the education programmes (language, team working in intercultural teams, ethics & diversity, problem solving, conflict management

About us

Type of CollaborationCenter of Vocational Excellence
Starting year2024
ContactAdri Mertens
E-mail addressah.mertens@alfa-college.nl
Sector of expertise: Digitalisation
Green skills
Transport, storage and communication
Social MediaLinkedIn
ProjectleiderAdri Mertens

Cooperate with the following CoVEs

CEDCE Ireland

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Center of Vocational Excellence
National CoVE Initiative